Emailing incomplete responses?

Hi - I have a little bot set up to ask some questions. One of those asks if the user wants to send me a message and if so it collects the message and their email address. It then asks them if there’s anything else it can help with and gives some options.

What I’ve noticed is that I don’t get sent a response until the chat hits a formal end point in the script. So if someone doesn’t click an option after typing their message to me - even if they hit the X button to close the chat, I don’t get emailed it.

So I’m guessing that in the interim I should always follow any step like collecting a message with an end step.

But longer term, would it be possible to get the response sent if someone hits X or nothing happens for 5 minutes or similar?

Not sure there’s a right answer as I know you’re not a live chat tool but it would be good to get a message where you collect an email address sent off quickly.

Hi Ian,

At the moment we only bill completed responses and notifications are sent only for such conversations. The reason for doing so, is that partial responses generally do not produce value to our customers.

Partial responses can be NIL or may have the answers of the first 1 or 2 questions.

Going forward, we want to see how to make this information valuable as well. Timer based capturing as you mentioned is possible. But still if the data doesn’t make sense then there is no point in sending it.

One idea is to flag a question (like an email question). So if the visitor has at least replied to the flagged question, we can send a notification for it. I guess that might solve the problem to one extent.

If you have any other suggestions, please do share.

Thanks for these questions Ian.

Yep - the flagged question idea would work perfectly.

I would love to have the flagged question feature as well.

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I love the idea me too of flagged questions

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Can you please tell me how to flag a question.


Hi Russell,

I am sorry to tell you that we haven’t brought the concept of flagging a question.


Hi there everyone, I’ve got a simillar issue but just the opposite, i’ve got a bot set up that asks if a user complies with a couple of conditions. However, i got notified every time a user talks with the bot. It would be great to find a way that an email notification wouldnt be sent unless the conversation got up to certain point where the information becomes relevant. Is there a way to do this?


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Thanks for letting us know your use-case.

This will definitely go into our discussions on improving the chatbot experience.


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Thanks for your reply aslam. I must assume then that there is no way for now to do such thing, right?

At the moment there are no solutions.


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Thanks for the help!

As a small update to this thread, we have made it possible to send email notifications and web-hooks for both partial and complete responses. :hugs:

You can turn this on or off from Settings > Response > Send all responses.

Excellent work - very helpful.