Overwrite, or update, a variable?

I’m a fairly new paying customer so I perhaps I’m missing something (hopefully), but is there a way to overwrite a variable?


  1. Bot asks for a user’s name – “What is your name?”
  2. User writes name
  3. Bot asks if name is correct by using variable pulled from previous question – “Your name is @[What is yo…]?”
  4. If user says yes, it moves to the next piece of conversation which says, “Hello, @[What is yo…]!”
  5. If user says no, it goes back to #1, but then no matter what they type it responds with their previous answer.

So if they typed in Frank the first time, and Bobby the second time, it would still say Frank…why?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will investigate this issue and come up with a solution soon.

Thank you, this bug is very frustrating!

Just as a heads up, I made a test and learned that if I tie the chatbot to a spreadsheet via Zapier the spreadsheet captures updated variables correctly.

Since it works properly pushing into a spreadsheet if I could also pull from a spreadsheet into Collect Chat I could work-around this bug.

Hi Shyjal,
Any update or idea on timeline on fixing this? I can’t implement my bot until the variable works correctly. Thank you!

Hi Ryan,

We have an internal architecture change going in the coming months. Sorry to say that this bug can only be fixed after that. Please stay tuned for updates.

Hi Ryan,

We have solved this issue related to variables as well. :grinning:
