Multi select - unable to add required logical jump


I have a flow in the bot where the users will be presented with options for which I am using a multi select.
Question - Do you have any of the following
Options - Cough, Cold, Fever, None of these.

I need to present a different question if user selects Cough, Cold or Fever and a different question if he/she selects None of these. Also, I cannot ask "Do you have Cough,cold or fever because I need to know what the user has.

How do I do this. I am not able to add a logical jump in case of Multi select based on the options chosen. This is confusing since I have this in a multiple choice. Please help.

Hi Varun,

Logical Jump for Multi Select type is not available at the moment. However, it is on our roadmap and we will definitely let you know once available.

Perhaps there can be a workaround by presenting all the possible outcomes in Multi Choice so that you can set proper jumps. Something like, ‘more than one’ or ‘all of the above’.

Kind regards,

OK. But with a multi choice, user will not be able to select multiple options, right?

Also, i am using an iframe based integration, is it possible for me to change some css. I see that the entire thing only takes a certain width in any device. When i was doing my RnD, it was mentioned that this is responsive, but I do not see the chat using the complete width on any device.

I can do this on my own but I am not sure how I can change the css of iframe, especially since it is from another domain.

I have to get this done today, so sorry for the multiple questions but need help

Hi there,

Yes, in multi-choice you cannot select multiple options.

In the iframe code, the width is already set to 100% and it takes the full space of the container it is put into.

If you can share the URL of the website, where you have added the iframe, perhaps we will be able to assist you better.


Hi Aslam,

Please have a look at this -

On mobile devices, it is unusable.

Simply adding the iframe page code will not make the webpage mobile friendly. Please add the following code:

<meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

and then try.


If you are looking to share the chatbot via a single URL, then we have a better method.

You can use our new product - to create a link like “”.

Would you like that?


Does not help. Check here -

Added <meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

I see that the meta tag in your website is commented.

<!–<meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no”>–>

Remove the comments <!-- --> and the site will be responsive.

By the way, how do you plan to use this bot? We recommend using or page if you like to share the bot via the link. See for example.


Please check this -

I had commented the meta tag because it did not make any difference in this case.

Let me know if you need anything else to resolve this.

Can someone check this?

Hi Varun,

Good news :slight_smile:

Logical Jump for Multi Select type is now available -

Here you may see a short video showing how to use it -

Please have a look and let me know your thoughts

Kind regards,

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