Google Maps Autocomplete?

Hi Everyone,

Love the software and how easy it is to use…
Have a feature request that would make this even more appealing for our clients… Wondering if this is on your product road map or if there is a way to develop this using the API?

A script type for a location that would autocomplete address locations tied to Google Maps data… as shown in this video.

Thank You!


Hi there,

I like your request. We discussed this with the team and we have added it to our product roadmap.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. If you have more such ideas, please do share.

Aslam from
Always for help

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Thank you Aslam! Really looking forward to google map autocomplete for location script types! I do have some more feature ideas that I hope could be of value to the platform… Will reach out soon with another post. THANKS AGAIN!

+1 For this feature. Would be a great addition.