Event count in analytics give other amount than counted in collectchat

Hi, I’m using collect chat to let students sign in. But I noticed that I have in a certain period 26 started conversations, but in events in Google analytics I can only see 5 CollectChatStart events. For CollectChatComplete I got no events, but Collect.chat says I got 14 completed sessions.

What could be the reason for this? Are all events pushed to Google Analytics? It would give a much better conversion rate if this was going right.

Hi Jeroen,

Just wanted to double check a few things:

  1. Are you looking at the same time frame in both chatbot and GA?

  2. You are not looking at the real-time event data in GA, right?

Can you share screenshots with us? (If not here, you can send to care@collect.chat)

Aslam from Collect.chat

Hi Aslam,

Thanks for the reply, yes I’m using the same time frame in both GA and chatbot. And no I’m not looking at the real time event data.
Here are some screenshots from chatbot and GA. Chatbot date is set till 17, but than it gives data till 16.

Hope you can help me out.

Kind regards,


Hi Jeroen,

We tested the events and GA integration and didn’t find any issues.

Can you confirm that when you are testing the bot, the events do show up inside Realtime? (It all works well on our side, when we tested it)

There are situations in which events are not pushed from the Client’s side. This could be use of adblockers or similar blocking extensions.

Because of this issue, generally the count of events in GA is slightly lower than the actual conversion rate.

I know it’s not the best answer you were hoping for. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about it.
